Sometimes, we carry on with what we do every day even if we are not happy with it just because we have been doing it for so long that we either believe there is no other way for us or we are afraid that doing something else instead, from now on, would make us look stupid for all the time we "wasted" before.
This way, we would be believing one of the following assumptions about a fresh start:
- it may work for others but it would be impossible, inconceivable, unthinkable for us;
- it would be proof that we were wrong before and that we made bad choices in the past;
- it would be useless and, after a while, we would just end up as miserable as we are now;
- it could be very risky and time-consuming and we could lose everything.

[If thinking about the "how" feels weird or challenging for now,
you can focus on the "what", as a first step]
This way, many people never try, never take a risk, never play with the idea of starting fresh, one more time.
What for, in the end?
And yet, why not, in the end?
What for, in the end?
And yet, why not, in the end?
No matter which assumptions we may have and which kind of fear could drive us and our actions, a fresh start is almost always possible to some extent and a concept worth exploring.
Thinking about it, asking ourselves how it could look like and what could it take to get there may feel scary or difficult, sure thing.
Not everything would work out like magic, sure thing.
Thinking about it, asking ourselves how it could look like and what could it take to get there may feel scary or difficult, sure thing.
Not everything would work out like magic, sure thing.
We could be wrong, sure thing.
But playing with the idea and allowing ourselves to come up with some scenarios could be the first step. Nobody is going to know it, for now. So why not?
Coaching question of the day:
"How could a fresh start look like for you?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, New beginnings, Growth mindset, Identity, Goals setting, Life design
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