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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #213. - Finding who is genuinely rooting for you

When we are talking about the health of your personal and professional relationships, there are not many things as revealing as talking about your project and goals with someone.

It may be your plan to go for a career makeover, or the intention to write a book or take that class you have been talking about for years, or your dream of moving abroad, or the way you are pivoting and changing gears while bootstrapping... or any other scenario, for that matter.

Tell your story, talk about your dreams, explain your ideas, and then take a step back, and observe.

[This question is about the ones truly wishing you the best,
the ones willing to help, and to be happy for you]

The way people are going to react, what they are going to say, how they will behave can tell you a lot about which ones are not so happy for you, which ones are either not impressed or not interested and are just being polite because that's what social norms suggest them to do, and which ones are genuinely rooting for you.

Are they projecting their fears and doubts on you? Being dismissive? Asking insightful questions? Showing interest? Suggesting a couple of people that they put you in contact with? Taking into account that you may have a little bit less time and attention for them?

Most people will say that they are proud of you and ready to support you, and yet not everybody will also walk the talk. Some of them will pay you lip service, others will actually be there for you, help you if you should need it, keep you accountable, or make the difference in whatever shape or form.

When things get serious, knowing who is indeed rooting for you is priceless.

Coaching question of the day: 
"Who is rooting for you?"        

This one is for Niklas.               
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Relationships, Healthy relationships, Supporting contacts

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