While interviewed about what in life could bring long-lasting happiness, Zappos' visionary CEO Tony Hsieh [1973-2020] replied:
Most of the frameworks for happiness conclude that there are four things required: perceived control, perceived progress, connectedness (meaning the depths of relationships) and being part of something bigger than yourself.
We often tend to focus on the first two elements of this happiness formula, perceived control and perceived progress, and we don't pay that much attention to the other two elements.
Connectedness (emotional wellbeing and sense of belonging) is way too often taken for granted, and being part of something bigger is just good for children or for hopeless dreamers.
and gives meaning to your life.
Sharing them can change other lives as well]
And yet, it's no wonder one of the most remembered songs of John Lennon is still "Imagine", with its famous riff:
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Becoming adults doesn't have to be about forgetting our dreams or discounting them. It could actually be about finding our own unique way to live by them, to realize them, and to share them with other people able to value them.
Rediscovering them is the first step.
Coaching question of the day:
"What are your dreams made of?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Happiness, Emotional intelligence, Self-reflection, Quotes, Imagine, Being a dreamer
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