Tell me what's your style of following up and I will tell you how effectively you communicate.
What is communication if not the regular exchange of follow-ups about topics of some kind considered relevant to a group of people?
Some people regularly follow up at the latest minute, and only with bad news.
Others keep others in the loop, so that at every step everyone is informed, and yet they don't overshare and don't spam with useless notifications.
is not only rude but also not that productive. Just saying]
Some people seem to be able to read the minds of the ones they are communicating with, it doesn't matter if via phone, via e-mail, via text, or in any other way, and are able to provide the necessary information in order to keep the conversation fresh, useful, and smooth.
Others follow up only after being asked specifically about something when they should have been already following up about it on their own.
The way we tend to follow up says a lot about us, our level of empathy, and how self-centered or self-aware we are...
Coaching question of the day:
"What's your style of following up?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Effective communication, Following up, Follow-up style
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