A not better specified "African proverb" has been inhabiting the Internet for quite some time now and it goes "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
Even if the source of the proverb is not clear, the message it conveys couldn't be clearer: If you want to go where it's worth going, you will need the right people around you.
"Going together" can mean different things to different people.
One of my favorite ways of looking at it is the concept of accountability and what defines a good accountability partner.
Even if the source of the proverb is not clear, the message it conveys couldn't be clearer: If you want to go where it's worth going, you will need the right people around you.
"Going together" can mean different things to different people.
One of my favorite ways of looking at it is the concept of accountability and what defines a good accountability partner.

[A mentor, your best friend, a coach, your loved ones,
or even a colleague or a Mastermind partner: Who's there for you?]
In a nutshell, a good accountability partner is someone that is willing and able to be there, have our back, call out our excuses if necessary, provide not only words of encouragement but also constructive feedback, and keep doing it as we go.
Sure, occasional accountability buddies are valuable, but the ones that truly make the difference are the people that can keep us accountable long-term.
Most goals in our lives are not a sprint, but a marathon: It's fundamental to have not only the appropriate kind of training and equipment but also the right kind of people going on the same journey with us.
Coaching question of the day:
"Who is keeping you accountable long-term?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Self-mastery, Accountability, Positive connections, Domino effect, African proverbs, Life planning, Goal setting
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