It all starts with a catchy line like "Life is too short for...", and then some fancy advertising slogan ensues.
Life can be both long and short, and it is interesting to see for which ideas, activities, habits, people, emotions we believe that life could be too short.
Today, I found myself writing that life is too short for drinking average tea, and I really meant it.
And then, suddenly hooked, I asked myself: "For what else is life too short, right now?".
unhealthy food, violent movies... and many other things]
The beliefs that we carry with us about the things that are not worth our life (and our time) can be very revealing and yet also surprising.
How do they change over the years, if at all? And how do we change with them?
Writing down a list of ten things our life is too short for could be both a fun game and an unusual way of looking at what matters to us, in reverse.
Coaching question of the day:
"Life is too short for... For what exactly?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Time management, Life is too short for..., Coaching exercises
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