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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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A Lot Like Purple is my personal blog.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

'Se son rose, fioriranno', or why one should just sit on her hands, sometimes...

Sometimes, if you care about someone, the most difficult thing to do is just... not doing anything.

Sometimes one has just to sit on his/her hands, while waiting for something or for someone, giving another person a chance to take the time for the right decision or for making a difference, or just for thinking about what's really important.

We are each other's harvest; we are each other's business; we are each other's magnitude and bond. 
Gwendolyn Brooks [1917-2000]

[Keeping calm and enjoying the silence...
can be the way to go, once in a while]

Accepting the silence can be very difficult. Accepting that one can't control everything and that one is just not in charge, for a change, can be frustrating.
And yet, being able to stay in the situation anyway and to wait without doing or saying anything means possessing a great skill.
Or to be willing to learn and improve it and to learn from previous mistakes, since patience is not second nature for everyone.

It takes bravery, guts, and self-control. It requires time, practice, and energy. And it doesn't always pay off.
But in Italian, we say 'Se son rose, fioriranno', which is a very flowery translation for 'Only time will tell' that actually means 'If they are roses, they are going to bloom, at some point'. Poetic, at least...

How about you?
Are you able to sit on your hands without doing anything?
If yes, how do you do that?

Tags: Silence, Relationships, Waiting, Italian sayings, Cultivating patience

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