When people are unhappy or feel unsatisfied, suggesting that they could do more of what they wish to may feel almost insulting in its simplicity...
And yet it works quite well more often than not.
Such advice could be useless or redundant to you or to me and yet, strangely enough, many people seem to need some kind of permission in order to do what makes them feel good.
Permission to pick activities they truly enjoy, permission to carve out some time for themselves while tired and depleted, permission to say NO to something so that they can do what they actually want to do instead...
as long as it makes you happy
and it is something sustainable long-term]
This kind of permission may come in any shape or form but, in the end, it's more powerful if we are able to give ourselves permission.
We can start small: At the end of each day, we can ask ourselves what we would have liked to do more of and be honest with ourselves about it.
The second step could be thinking about how we could make it possible to do a little bit more of it the next day.
Creating a regular practice out of this question can be incredibly transformative in the long run.
No big changes needed, even just five extra minutes a day can be a good start. And they will add up over time.
Coaching question of the day:
"What do you wish you did more of today?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Self-care, Giving oneself permission, Mindfulness, Permission to say NO, Happiness
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